APC Postal Logistics International Courier and Freight

International Courier
International Courier service provides on time, express delivery to any physical address worldwide. This service can be used for small parcels, printed matter, bulk shipments, and time-sensitive documents. International Courier service provides door to door transportation, full track and trace visibility, customs clearance, and signature proof of delivery. Transit time ranges between 2 – 4 business days.

International Express Freight
International Express Freight service provides fast, time-definite delivery for heavy weight shipments to any physical address worldwide. International Express Freight service provides door to door transportation, full track and trace visibility, customs clearance, and signature proof of delivery. Transit times range between 2 – 5 business days.

International Standard Freight
International Standard Freight service is the most economical, service for heavy weight shipments to any physical address worldwide. International Standard Freight service provides door to door transportation, customs clearance, and signature proof of delivery. Transit times range between 5 – 9 business days.

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