Study Reveals Asian Shoppers Demand Flexibility

Singapore, March 03, 2015

Survey highlights preferences for alternate delivery locations and enhanced mobile

Creating personalized e-commerce experiences and providing alternate delivery locations are helping retailers boost customer satisfaction. According to the UPS Pulse of the Online Shopper™study, online shoppers in Asia continue to be the least satisfied with their online and in-store shopping experiences.

Today UPS (NYSE: UPS), a global leader in logistics and transportation services, and comScore Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world, released the second global study analyzing what drives an online shopper’s full path to purchase. Results show the advent of the ‘flex shopper’ – an online buyer who easily switches channels and devices when evaluating and purchasing products, and also expects a seamless retail experience from research to delivery.

The Asia survey is part of a global study that examines emerging trends from Brazil, Mexico, Europe and the United States. Key global findings include:

  • Online shoppers want alternative delivery locations and payment options
  • Mobile is a catalyst to omnichannel shopping and retailers should address limitations
  • Free shipping is still important along with a greater emphasis on returns

“Technology is changing the way we interact with each other, and transforming the way we consume,” said Rob Houck, Vice President of Marketing, UPS Asia Pacific. “Constant connectivity to information, products and services has fueled a consumerist culture of instant gratification that is driving e-commerce growth across the world, especially in Asia Pacific where it’s forecasted to represent a third of e-commerce sales in 20151.

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